Friday, August 28, 2009


He was looking
for complex answers
in all the wrong

There are simple bodies
in the skies,
white harbingers
of a darker disguise:
a day to bring solace.

He brought his person
under bright lights, and I
looked on unharmed.

They are two people talking
at all times. A third, the
self, decides
on the sound.
There are complex bodies

-the ambassador

Friday, August 21, 2009

Progeny Song, Dreamt

I & my brood blaspheme.
A hungry son and I
wandered, a sundry toll was
kept apace by matheme.

He did not warn of wagging,
nor lagging of the soul;
a mind of time behind.

He should have kept it
simple. The genetic toil
to an end. For me, he is

still gliding; I must believe
it. In every instance
the eyes will be questioned,
subjects of a cruel & quiet
prince (a mind of time behind).

In this we see a structure, unnatural.
A constructed bending
of the beams of light.
In this we see a structure.

-the ambassador

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


It is often odd to think
that without us there
would be less than nothing
here and yet everything
but us would still appear,
and probably (a stretch,
perhaps) a lot more oxygen.

So I keep a pet illusion
near, I have named him
real, but he is only a looking

By which I mean he is inside himself.
It must make it
hard to breathe.

Ah, but the clock is bent
on precision and turning
this day over. A virtual
subversion of the plot.

-the ambassador

Friday, August 7, 2009

Logic, Religion, Dolphins

I am, by nature, analytical. This is not to say that I'm always entirely reasonable or rational. I do, however, tend to look at things closely, to attempt to see what lurks below the surface. I realized recently that my poetry is an attempt - subconscious until now - to recontextualize beauty for myself. Actually, it has become something of an obsession for me to take horrifying objects, events, etcetera, and to use language itself to bend them into something different - perhaps even something worth looking at for a long while - something to, as my analytical side insists, figure out.

I'm also deeply interested in the human animal. More precisely, I'm interested in the human as animal. Far too often a gap is posited between the human and the natural - and, if you've noticed, we as a species are always trying to justify our belief in that gap. "Oh, it's our consciousness of the self that sets us apart." Not so. Some primates recognize themselves in mirrors. Is it, perhaps, language? I will grant that the range of language humans have attained is impressive. Dolphins also have an extremely complex language - for it can be called nothing else - with which they express a range of emotions - for they can be called nothing else. Before any attempt at scientific justification of our unique standing in the universe, we turned to religion. "Yes, we are the Chosen People," said the Jews. But, then, weren't Muslims also the Chosen People? Weren't Christians, in turn, also Chosen? Don't all religions believe that they have the truth, and that everyone else - benign as their intentions might be - are simply wrong?
Well, I have a tendency to believe fact. I suppose it is a fault I can blame on nature. Nevertheless, it is this interest in the human animal - and all the beauty, shame, ugliness, importance, impotence, reality, and unreality that is inherent in it - that drives my poetry.

None of this is any more than one possible lens through which to view my words - because words is all I has to play with, as someone (I'm not sure who) once wrote. It could also be the ramblings of a would-be poet who has had one too many drinks on a Friday night.

-the ambassador

Monday, August 3, 2009

A Summary

Who is judged thus?

Be it an appearance

of mortal man? So the anger

speaks, the augur seeks,

the craven weep of mercy. By

rights, on whom the mantle

still obsidian rests, attest

not to shadows what was


It is a departure.

The setting straight of a crooked tale.

No more as orator,

in lieu a craft of subtler stead.

A waking of the worms

inside a head.

And so, a temporal adieu:

no more ask of whence

a body came, not

of why a soldier laughs or how

these bones collapse,

but of how a life resumes.

-the ambassador