Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hello, Comrade

Hello, walrus, wanton wreaker
of havoc and the like.
"spent," said simeon of his
masterful scandalous types.
bury your buddies in earth
softest cloth sofa-symbols
enclosing my voodoo
and bonding insomnia ties
to similarly shaped clavicle bones.

Hello, tiger, entrancing travesty
of flesh peeled from tendons.
you, sir, irreverent to a tee
and schooling the cells in me
with instructional pamphlets
and self-help tips for those we
call the Woebegones.

Hello, stingray, scalding synonym
for simple-minded folk like me.
the difference out of water flopping
awkwardly is the neutered tip
of the buddha's poisonous bubble.
I am scrawny dawn at six,
wrapping my lips around
slip-sliding cliffs rising in rhythm
with sunlit tones crossing haphazardly
across the horizon in front of she.

-Bram Sadosa

Monday, November 17, 2008

Telegram, 2008

My toes are sending
a message
to my heart -
about self-inflicted smog,
so many pinpricks
in my lungs
that they look like art.
It's the trick of evolution
(call it Darwin's Final Solution)
that the mind - not the feet -
came out on top.
So, dear audience
(since everything's on TV,
you might as well review me),
here's the punchline:
it's a clot.

-Bram Sadosa

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Vision

It is a simple rainfall, really.
I am a thorn thrown
a tag-along
ribbon on a runaway

Seconds push and wriggle,
digging out a place for:
inherent pleas,
tugging their ears resolutely
at home -

With without their nine-ten
I direct them myself in
unseemly symphonies,
symphonies unseen since
the shapes they assume
are no longer
chronologically arranged.

Settle down,
speak coherently or turn
your eyes to me
so I can bereave the loss
of my anti-organic
You see string theory,
I see chaos and meat, ultimately.

It is a simple rainfall, really,
until it turns to ice and snow.
Every particular moment aids
as a centrifuge
spins together: loves and moves
almost unerringly.
I am spell woven
a missile sent
to prey upon the minds of men.

-Bram Sadosa

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Life by Numbers

I would like, she said,
to traverse this boundary
separating peace and fear
to see what is in between.
Her eyes, sharp and unfocused,
the seed-darts of lotus,
cannot honestly see without
the simultaneous shudder
that I often duplicate
when losing myself
in a theory of Horror.
Is a mask, she asks,
actually a mask if
the facade is the same
as the face it obscures?
A question, of course,
to which I have no reply,
instead I shrug my shoulders
and you shrug your shoulders
and she shrugs her shoulders
and continues making snowflakes:
simply fold,
and cut along the dotted line.

-the ambassador